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Bible Translation Is Bringing the Church in Nigeria Together

Aug 14, 2024

Historically, Bible translation has been led by translation agencies. But today, that is changing: Local churches around the world are rising up and taking ownership of translation work themselves.

What is happening in Nigeria is an inspiring example of this: God is calling church leaders to do Bible translation and collaborate with one another. Hear more about how translation work is bringing these communities and churches together in unity.

Johnstone Ndunde, SIL area director of Anglo-Lusophone Africa, said it this way: “Bible translation as a sacred task doesn’t need to divide the Church, but to bring the Church together.”

Today God's Holy Spirit is uniting His Church to work toward one common goal: to bring the Good News to the furthest corners of the earth. As the Church responds to God's call, Bible translation is being impacted in incredible ways!

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