Standing on Solid Ground
The Word of God and our mission to share it.

In a world filled with uncertainty, people everywhere search for solid ground — something unchanging and secure to stand on during the challenges of life. The Word of God provides that foundation, pointing us to Jesus Christ, the solid rock. He is the unshakable truth on which believers build their lives. Yet millions of people around the world have never had the chance to encounter God’s Word in their own language.
Bible translation is critical to ensuring that everyone can experience the hope, grace and truth found in Scripture. Without it, the message of Christ’s love and redemption is out of reach for many. For those who have access to the Word, it is a gift that not only transforms their own lives but also inspires them to share it with others.
On Christ, the Solid Rock
The hymn “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” captures the essence of faith in Christ as our solid rock:
- My hope is built on nothing less
- Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
- I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
- But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
Its refrain reminds us of the firm foundation we have in Christ:
- On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand;
- All other ground is sinking sand.
This hymn reflects the profound truth found in John 1:1-5 (NLT): “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”
These verses declare that Jesus is the eternal Word, the source of life and light and the foundation of all creation. He is the solid ground that never wavers. Anchoring ourselves in Him provides us with clarity, purpose and hope as we navigate the world.
The Word Made Flesh
John 1:14a-b captures the wonder of Christ’s incarnation: “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness” (NLT).
Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase in The Message offers a vivid image: “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14a, MSG).
Jesus entered our world to bring salvation to all people. He revealed God’s love in a tangible and personal way, walking among the broken and the outcasts and shining light into dark places. For the people of the earth — and for each of us — this is good news!
The hymn’s final verse reminds us of our promised future:
- When he shall come with trumpet sound,
- Oh, may I then in him be found,
- Dressed in his righteousness alone,
- Faultless to stand before the throne!
This is the gospel: Through Christ, we are made whole, redeemed and given a future filled with eternal joy.
Bible Translation: A Pathway to the Solid Rock
The message of John 1 and the hope proclaimed in the hymn “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” resonate with us because they’re in a language and format we can clearly understand. But millions of people around the world don’t have Scripture in their own language — in a language that touches their heart.
Bible translation ensures that every person can encounter Jesus in a way that resonates with them. Through God’s Word, people are able to understand who Christ is, what He has accomplished and how they can stand on His truth.
Take Mongolia, for example. For decades, the Bible was unavailable in the Mongolian language. In the early 1990s, only the New Testament was translated; but by 2000, the full Bible became available. In the years that followed, the Mongolian church experienced unprecedented growth.
For someone who speaks Mongolian, reading these words from John 1:1-5 in their own language would be life-changing:
- “Эхэнд Үг байсан ба Үг Бурхантай хамт байсан агаад Үг нь Бурхан байв. Тэрбээр эхэнд Бурхантай хамт байсан. Бүх юм Түүгээр буй болсон. Буй болсон юмсаас Түүнгүйгээр буй болсон юмс гэж нэг ч үгүй. Түүнд амь байсан ба амь нь хүмүүний гэрэл байв. Гэрэл харанхуйг гийгүүлдэг агаад түүнийг харанхуй дийлээгүй юм” (Иохан 1:1-5, АБ2013).
Having God’s Word in your own language makes it so much easier and impactful when sharing the gospel and planting churches. Following the completed translation of the full Bible into Mongolian, more than 120 churches were planted, and over 25,000 Mongolians came to faith!
The availability of Scripture in their language was central to this transformation. Believers could finally read, understand and apply God’s Word in their daily lives. The Bible became a foundation for evangelism, discipleship and ministry, allowing the Church to flourish.
Bible translation is essential for the global Church to grow and thrive. It is a lifeline for believers and a pathway for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus.
Standing Together as the Body of Christ
The Church is called to stand on the solid rock of Christ and tell the world about the hope and truth that they can have in Him. This mission is not an individual effort; it’s a collective calling. As members of the body of Christ, we are invited to work together to ensure that every nation, people and language has access to the Word of God.
Advocating for Bible translation is one way to live out this calling. By supporting translation efforts, churches and individuals can help bring the hope of Christ to those who have never received it. This work includes prayer, financial support and raising awareness in our communities. It also means reflecting on how we, as families and churches, can live with eternity in mind, prioritizing the mission of God in our world.

As the Church, we are called to ensure that every person has access to the solid ground of Scripture. Reflect on how you and your church can participate in the mission of Bible translation. Support this work by praying for translators, raising awareness in your community and providing resources to help bring the Word to those still waiting.
Together we can help fulfill the vision of Revelation 7:9, where a vast crowd from every nation and language will stand before the throne of God, worshipping the Lamb.
As we stand on Christ, our solid rock, may His Word be the foundation for every heart and every nation.
Elements of this blog originally appeared in part in “When God’s Word Speaks,” a devotional book published in 2016 by Wycliffe Bible Translators USA.