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Non-Cash Ways to Support Bible Translation
Your gift of stock, real estate or electronics will help resource Great Commission work!

Non-Cash Ways to Support Bible Translation

Your gift of stock, real estate or electronics will help resource Great Commission work!
Stocks & Bonds

Stock held in a brokerage account may be transferred electronically to Wycliffe by contacting your broker and requesting that the securities be transferred to Wycliffe.

Use the form below to notify Wycliffe of the transfer of securities.

For information about giving stocks, mutual funds or other securities, email us at [email protected] or call 407-852-3633.


Upgrading your laptop, tablet or smartphone? We can use the proceeds from your previous model devices to help provide Scripture to people for the first time.

Electronics Donation Guidelines

Laptops — We accept laptops with a Windows 7 or newer license sticker on them.

Phones — We accept smart phones with an Android or iOS (Apple) operating system that are less than four years old.

Tablets — We accept brand name tablets with an Android, Windows or iOS (Apple) operating system which are less than four years old.

All devices must be "wiped" of personal information and be free from any PIN codes, passwords or other account-locking features. For devices not charged with a standard USB cable, please include its power cable or charger.

To learn more about how to donate your electronics, contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-992-5433 ext. 3894.

Real Estate

Donating appreciated real estate — such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property — can make a great gift to further the work of Bible translation.

To learn more about donating real estate, please contact Wycliffe Foundation at [email protected] or call 877-493-3600.


Turn a share of your business or precious metals into support for Bible translation.

To learn more please contact Wycliffe Foundation at [email protected] or call 877-493-3600.