God is raising up local people, churches and ministries around the world to take ownership of Bible translation for their communities.
One example comes from Papua New Guinea, where Wycliffe was invited to walk alongside local partners as they translated Scripture. Community members then learned how to live out God’s Word as followers of Jesus. Now these Christians are taking what they’ve learned to other remote communities so they, too, can begin Bible translation!
With your faithful support, more local partners around the world have developed new strategies to reach their own communities with the gospel. Bible translation is happening at a rate we’ve never seen before, with no signs of slowing down.
By God’s grace, this momentum has brought us even closer to completing Vision 2025 — a God-sized vision to have a translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025. Today, there are fewer than 1,000 known Vision 2025 languages remaining.
Your continued generosity makes it possible to come alongside these global partners to start new translation projects and complete existing projects. People need God’s Word in a language and format they clearly understand, and we want no one to be left waiting.
Please respond prayerfully today to help us say “yes” to more opportunities for Bible translation in 2025 and beyond. Your gift will help bring us closer to the day when everyone has God’s Word in their own language.
Thank you for your generosity, which is making the name of Jesus known around the world!