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While members of the Y* language translation team in Indonesia worked on drafting Luke 22, they were struck by the anguish of Jesus before He was arrested. But they struggled to understand Luke 22:44: “He prayed more fervently, and he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood” (NLT).
As the team discussed this passage, they began to understand that Jesus faced more than physical torture. He was about to bear the consequences of the sin of the world — for all people everywhere throughout all time!
For several minutes the team kept repeating the phrase, “everybody’s sin.” When they realized the depth of Christ’s sacrifice and His love for them, the room fell quiet. A couple of the men pulled their shirts up to cover their faces and weep. And for no less than 10 minutes, the team sat weeping.
Then one of the men said, “Okay. Let’s translate it so other people can understand it too.”
The story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told. It’s the story of God giving new life through the death of His Son. And it’s a story that you can share with others through your partnership as a monthly giver.