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God Is on the Move

5 Ways to Get Your Kids Involved in Bible Translation

Jan 9, 2024  |  Melissa Paredes
young toddler boy pointing to a page in the Bible his parents are holding

I was just a small child when I first learned about missions. As the daughter of a pastor and worship leader, ministry was the foundation of my growing-up years. We regularly invested in both local and global missions, which developed my interest in God’s heart for His people around the world.

When I was 10 years old, my parents began the journey of joining Wycliffe and our family moved overseas to the Philippines. In many ways, that season was the start of my own personal journey of involvement in Bible translation. Flash forward more than 20 years and now, as an adult with three kids of my own, I am convinced that teaching my kids about the importance of the Bible is critical to who they are today and who God will grow them to be in the future. Ultimately, teaching them to value Scripture will serve as a foundation for them to pursue future ministry opportunities — whether that be through Bible translation specifically or through serving in other capacities — and help them live out a legacy of faith.

So whether you’re a parent, Sunday school teacher, family member or friend, I believe that you too have a role in getting the kids of today involved in Bible translation. Here are five easy ways to do just that!

1. Pray for people around the world.

— Prayer is an easy, tangible way to get your kids involved in Bible translation. In fact, 5-year-old Sam’s prayers made a huge difference for Bible translation in Easter Island!

As a family, you can also sign up to receive Wycliffe's prayer updates and commit to praying together. Your prayers impact lives both now and for eternity.

2. Explore countries and languages.

— Is there an area of the world that your family is especially interested in? Learn more about people groups, languages and Bible access at Joshua Project. Consider choosing a specific people group to learn more about and get the whole family involved — you can try new recipes from that culture, research their crafts and holidays or even get involved in a ministry that makes an impact in that community or country.

3. Disciple the next generation and get your kids’ Sunday school involved.

— Are you someone who is passionate about seeing people get the Bible in their own language and desire to get others involved? Start in your own church and invite your kids’ Sunday school classes to join in!

One of the ways we can disciple our kids is by teaching them about how God is on the move to make His love known to every person, in every language, in every country. Wycliffe’s Kate & Mack resources do just that! Engage your children’s church in missions through these free programs, including Sunday school lessons, vacation Bible school resources and more.

4. Integrate missions into your family values.

— Creating a heart for global missions isn’t something that just happens; it requires intentionality, focus and commitment. Michael and Jamie Higdon use their family values as a way of guiding their decisions, particularly around the different ministry opportunities they participate in. As a result, their family is able to strategically say yes to the opportunities God presents before them. And you can do the same!

5. Spread the word and get your whole community involved.

— Bible translation isn’t just something that’s happening on the other side of the world. We have people in our own backyards who either still need the Bible or have received the Bible only within the last few years. Take American Sign Language for instance. In 2020, the American Sign Language Version of the Bible was completed, making it the first and only sign language to have the full Bible. There are more than 380 known sign languages today, which makes the global Deaf the largest unreached people group in the world.

Who do you know who would enjoy making a difference by partnering in Bible translation? Get a group together — your small group, your neighbors or other families — and give as a community! Not only will you have the opportunity to learn and grow together, but you’ll have the joy of seeing God at work and celebrate ways that you, as a community, are making a difference in another community.

Knowing and Loving God

These ideas are only a start: There are so many creative ways to get kids involved in what God is doing around the world today. I don’t know about you, but when my kids are older and can look back on their childhood, I want them to remember a few key things:

  1. As followers of Jesus, they are called to love God and love people (Mark 12:29-31).

  2. Jesus gave them a big task to pursue when He gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

  3. There is a promised future day when people from every nation and language will be worshipping before God’s throne (Revelation 7:9-20).

At the center of those three things is Jesus. My kids have had the privilege to know Him and learn to love Him from a young age, and I am passionate about seeing the next generation grow up with the Bible in their own language. Won’t it be a wonderful day when our kids — and kids just like them all around the world — can’t even remember a time when people didn’t have the Bible for themselves?

Together we can see that become reality. And one of the ways we do that is raising up the next generation to have a heart for God’s people and instill in them a desire for everyone to know Him through the gospel in a language and format that captures their hearts and transforms their lives forever.

Discover more about how God is on the move around the world today and how you and your family can be part of what He is doing!

Read the previous "God Is on the Move" article.

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