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God Sightings

Bible Translation in Nigeria: A God-Sized Dream

Apr 2, 2024
Africa Nigeria smiling children

More than 7,300 known languages are spoken or signed around the world today. Wycliffe and our partners are currently working with more than 1,700 of them so that people can encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.

A few areas of the world represent the highest remaining needs for Bible translation. We call these the “Big Five” — East Asia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea and the global Deaf.

The reality is they’re the highest remaining needs for a reason; they’re the hardest of the hard, whether due to geographical location, political opposition, spiritual oppression or otherwise.

The Impact of Partnership

Nigeria has historically been a country with a significant number of languages that needed Bible translation to begin. But that has recently changed!

Two years ago, approximately 250 Nigerian languages still needed Bible translation to begin. Today, plans are in place to begin work on all but a few dozen. This significant drop is directly related to local ownership of the work.

Around this time last year, a meeting between five Nigerian partners resulted in the launch of the Aminci Cluster project. Aminci is a Hausa word that means “trustworthiness” or “reliable.” This four-year project — in partnership with the Nigeria Bible Translation Trust, Faith Comes By Hearing and multiple local churches and associations — will help 49 people groups encounter Jesus through Scripture.

Africa Nigeria man praying with arms raised and others around him praying

Along with other plans developed through partnership in Nigeria, the Aminci Cluster project brought the total number of languages that needed to have translation started down to just 110. This was a huge milestone, and we rejoiced greatly over the amazing progress being made!

Fast forward to the end of 2023. In early November, another meeting took place to address remaining language needs — this time with nine different partners. The gathering marked another incredible leap forward, resulting in conversations and plans that will see fewer than 30 Vision 2025 languages awaiting Bible translation to start. Praise God for His faithfulness!

With these new starts, we are on the cusp of officially removing Nigeria from the Big Five list! Pray for continued momentum and for the many people involved as they work in unity and collaboration to make disciples of Jesus throughout Nigeria.

God-Sized Dreams

This is the God that we serve: He opens doors, brings together people from different walks of life and levels of expertise, and instills in them a desire for collaboration and unity so that people can encounter Him through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.

Africa Nigeria group of women seated wearing white lace with colorful scarves

As believers, we have the privilege of not only watching God move but of playing a part in seeing His Kingdom advanced here on Earth — whether that’s through investing our time, talents and treasures; through praying and interceding before the throne on behalf of God’s people; or through advocating and inviting those in our networks to participate in the work.

As people say “yes” to God’s invitation to spread the Good News to all parts of the world, we see the fulfillment of God-sized dreams to make Scripture available for communities, countries and even entire regions.

Join us in celebrating how God is answering the dream of Nigerian churches — and the many partner organizations and like-minded ministries who work alongside them — to see people experience God’s love for them in a way that captures their hearts forever.

Learn more about the amazing progress we’re seeing in Bible translation!

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