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Aviation and Maritime

Use your aviation and maritime skills in Bible translation

The Post Office has nothing on us.

We're not going to stop transporting Scriptures, people and resources until all people have access to God’s Word in their language. Use your aviation and maritime skills (as a pilot, mechanic and more!) to take God’s Word to the ends of the earth, supporting local communities in their goals of Bible translation.

"We want to see Bible translation get done faster! … We can really speed up the [transportation] process [through aviation].”


This is an exciting time to join the global Bible translation movement. God is accelerating translation globally at an unprecedented rate!

For over 80 years, we’ve pioneered in transportation and technology, developing approaches that honor, respect and elevate minority peoples. We’re continuing forward in that spirit, pressing into new partnerships and collaborative approaches. We don’t always know what will come next, but we venture together in faith, knowing that God will continue to lead and provide.

God is on the move in the world! Ready to do your part?

We partner with JAARS, an expert in aviation, maritime and transportation needs on the mission field, to meet the needs of Bible translation projects around the world. Transportation professionals ultimately serve with both organizations in order to receive the support, care and technical certifications and oversight to provide exemplary service.

Learn more about serving in aviation and maritime

Bringing the Gospel Farther

Watch a webinar on God using aviation to spread the gospel through missions.

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What Does it Take to Serve?

Watch to see what it's like to serve as a pilot-mechanic with JAARS in Papua New Guinea.

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When Plans Change

Find out how Dan and Rachael tenaciously followed God on their journey despite setbacks and challenges.

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The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.

— Isaiah 40:8 (NLT)