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Business Professionals and Management

Use your business skills in Bible translation
Business Professionals and Management
Use your business skills in Bible translation

This is not a place that stands still.

How could we? God is accelerating Bible translation through His global Church at an unprecedented rate! To keep up, business and management professionals are essential.

For over 80 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators and our partners have been leading the world in Bible translation, and we continue to innovate boldly and seize the new opportunities that God is laying before us.

Are you energized by being part of an organization that won’t stay in its comfort zone and passionate about helping to build people up so they can thrive? Use your skills in business and management to partner with local translation teams as they give their communities access to God’s Word in their own languages.

Lofgren Family

"We often define missionaries as a certain type of person such as an evangelist or a translator. But there is a lot of work behind the scenes to make those things happen. There is a role for everyone to be a part of reaching the world with the gospel.”

— Erik Lofgren, crisis management team leader

Come make an eternal impact using your skills in:


Bible translation projects and teams need effective leaders to meet their goals. Use your skills in administration, organization and operations to enable Bible translation to run smoothly and make a difference.

Finance, Donor Relations and Accounting

Finance professionals — from CFOs to accountants to grant specialists — take initiative with integrity. Expand your skills, reach and impact through our organization’s resources, reputation and partnerships.

Legal, Public Relations and Crisis Management

Use your skills interacting with the public — whether small communities or international partners — at a global organization that contains a mix of cultures, generations and personalities.


Whether you’re excited about leading small language teams, determining strategy and vision, or helping direct innovative technology, you can invest in others to grow an effective team.

Jon Jagt, Program Manager, Papua New Guinea

"Working as program manager for the Gwahatike multi-language project has been a joy for me over the past six years. I learn something new every day.”

— Jon Jagt, Program Manager, Papua New Guinea

God is on the move in the world! Ready to do your part?


Find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events and get the latest Bible translation updates.

Wycliffe partners with over 100 organizations around the world — you’ll have opportunities to work alongside local communities through our strategic partner organizations.

Learn more about serving in business and management

Explore Wycliffe Live: Leadership Wanted: The Vital Role of Managers in Missions
Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 8 p.m. ET
Come learn about the crucial roles that experienced managers play in the global Bible translation movement.

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?"

— Romans 10:14 (NLT)