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Information Technology

Use your IT skills in Bible translation
Information Technology
Use your IT skills in Bible translation

There’s no busywork here.

IT is one of the primary tools of Bible translation. Global teams depend on hardware, software and networking to keep their translation programs moving forward. If you’re interested in looking toward the horizon, dreaming up new solutions and building technologies to solve real world problems, you’ll have plenty of opportunities!

For over 80 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators has been innovating tools and technology so the whole world will have access to God’s Word. And if a solution doesn’t exist, we create it.

"God has made His Word come alive to me. And when His Word comes alive in the depths of a person, it produces lasting transformation. Through my role with computers, I am able to take part in bringing God’s life-giving Word to others in their own languages.”

— James Post, language technology consultant

James Post, language technology consultant
Software, App and Web Development: Coding Innovative Solutions With Eternal Impact

Imagine an environment that’s motivated by doing good and valuing people rather than by fulfilling customer contracts.

When our teams realized Deaf translation teams were struggling with antiquated software solutions to share translated Scriptures with their communities, they spent years developing cutting-edge technology that has revolutionized Deaf publication worldwide. And then we gave it all away for free.

Step into an environment of innovation, where you can find and create software solutions for Bible translation teams around the world.

God is on the move in the world! Ready to do your part?

Hardware, Network and Helpdesk

When networks go down or hardware fails, everything stops.

One time an entire translation project ground to a halt because a faulty printer driver prevented the team from printing translated Scripture. Without the ability to print pages, they couldn’t test the Scripture with the community. Without testing, they didn’t know if the translation was effective, and they couldn’t continue.

If you want more than a job where you just simply show up, complete your task and go back home without feeling challenged or rewarded, Wycliffe is the place for you!

At Wycliffe, you’ll be immersed in an environment where seasoned professionals constantly strive for excellence. It might mean troubleshooting networks at a distance, fixing laptops in harsh conditions or walking translation teams through computer fixes that seem simple to you, but will make all the difference.


Find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events and get the latest Bible translation updates.

Learn more about IT roles in Bible translation

Roles for Software Developers

Watch a webinar on exciting roles in software development.

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Innovation for Minority Languages: The Bible Translator's Assistant

Learn more about The Bible Translator's Assistant: a cutting-edge software that is helping speed up Bible translation.

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Starlink Satellite Internet

Watch how we're figuring out how to bring one of the most powerful tools needed in Bible translation projects to places that need it the most: the internet.

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