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Creative Professionals

Use your marketing, communications and media skills in Bible translation
Creative Professionals
Use your marketing, communications and media skills in Bible translation

The Bible is the most magnificent story of God’s love ever told.

Yet millions of men, women and children don’t have access to His love story because Scripture isn’t available in their language. At Wycliffe Bible Translators we believe no one should still be waiting for God’s Word. Like you, we want everyone to meet Jesus and grow as His disciples!

You can use your passion for art, writing, marketing, video, music and graphic design to spread the news of God’s love and inspire people to participate in God's vision for Bible translation.

Use your skills in marketing, communications, arts and media to share God’s love story and how He is moving in communities worldwide.

"Being able to creatively pique interest in the work Wycliffe is doing is a reward in itself! Being at Wycliffe is an impactful and fulfilling experience that I find myself loving as I continue to grow spiritually and skillfully!”

— Michelle Cline, graphic designer

At Wycliffe Bible Translators, our passion is partnering with the global Church, and we don’t take that task lightly. Bringing together different cultures, generations, personalities and convictions and finding a common path can be tricky! True collaboration requires projects to move at a speed that enables everyone to provide input. But we believe that coming together in harmony results in everyone growing and being transformed. Come make an impact in:

  • Marketing and Communications: Use your skills to call people to get involved and share the needs, joys, challenges and triumphs of communities involved in Bible translation.
  • Video: Share the story of what God is doing around the world in the global Bible translation movement through video (and check out our YouTube channel).
  • Photography and Graphic Design: Create and share visual stories of what God is doing through the world with stunning photography and graphic design.
  • Writing and Editing: Use your love for words to share how God is reaching the nations through His Word and encourage the Church to join. Read some stories.
  • Web Management and Design: Web managers, designers and developers, SEO specialists and digital marketing experts help the stories and needs of communities waiting for the translated Scripture to stand out from the noise. See other roles on our information technology page.
  • Instructional Design: Instructional designers develop beautiful and creative learning materials to help our individuals and teams learn crucial skills and reach their full potential.
  • Vernacular Media, Art and EthnoArts: Work alongside and underneath local communities in oral, video and artistic mediums to help them communicate Scripture in culturally appropriate ways. Learn more on our language support page.

God is on the move in the world! Ready to do your part?


Find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events and get the latest Bible translation updates.

Limited volunteer opportunities may be available.

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Wycliffe partners with over 100 organizations around the world — you’ll have opportunities to work alongside local communities through our strategic partner organizations.

Learn more about serving as a creative professional

Telling God Stories: Marketing and Communications in Bible Translation

Discover how you can use your skills to share stories of what God is doing around the world through Bible translation and encourage the Church to get involved!

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Sharing Hope Through Vernacular Media

“What does this recording mean to you?” Nathanael Gregoriev asked a group of translators in a remote village in Cameroon.

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Making a Lasting Impact Through Writing

Watch how serving with Wycliffe allows Jennifer to make a lasting impact by inviting people to join God's global mission.

Read More >

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

— Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)