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Military and Veterans

Use your background in the military to serve in Bible translation
Military and Veterans
Use your background in the military to serve in Bible translation

You know the power of living for something bigger than yourself.

So why stop after you separate from the military?

At Wycliffe, we’re united by one central belief: Not a single person in the world should still be waiting for access to God’s Word. If you’re eager to use your skills to pursue the goal of Bible translation, then your contributions will have an impact beyond what you ever could have imagined.

Whether you served as an officer or as an enlisted member, there is a place for you in God’s global mission to use your leadership or professional skills in IT, engineering, language proficiency, logistics, construction, aviation, administration and more. You can also use your transition benefits, GI Bill and previous education to further your missions career.

God is on the move in the world. Ready to do your part?


Find out about new opportunities to serve, upcoming events and get the latest Bible translation updates.

Learn more about transitioning from the military to missions and get a free resource on serving in missions. You’ll also get stories and other resources to help you consider your place in God’s Kingdom.

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Wycliffe partners with over 100 organizations around the world — you’ll have opportunities to work alongside local communities through our strategic partner organizations.

“Key values that exist in the military include putting others before yourself, caring about those around you and working for a greater purpose. Those are also foundational in missions! There are a lot more commonalities [between] missions and the military than people might think.”

— Stephen Sweeney, former U.S. Navy and current chief of staff for JAARS, a Wycliffe partner organization

Stephen Sweeney

You’ll need to be humble, patient and persevering, leaning into your determination and flexibility as you tackle challenging problems and navigate cross-cultural situations. But when you bring your generous, collaborative spirit, you’ll experience diversity — with your colleagues next door or people across the world. As you build your community and find your place to belong, you’ll develop relationships that will become some of the deepest connections in your life.

“As veterans, we’ve given significant time and energy for our country’s security and safety. That’s the underlying thing which is what is going to make [military personnel] good missionaries. ”

— Mark Spangler, former U.S. Army and current helicopter pilot

Learn more about serving in Bible translation

Military to Missions Webinar Series

Explore the different stories of people who God has equipped for missions through their military service.

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5 Ways Your Military Experience Equips You For Missions

Discover how your commitment along with your cross-cultural, technical, leadership and problem-solving skills have uniquely prepared you to thrive in missions.

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From the Military to the Mission Field

Watch as Chuck Lynde shares what drew him to Wycliffe after 32 years of commissioned service in the U.S. Army.

Read More >

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

— Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)